Small Box Specialty Green Coffee: A Big Opportunity for Roasters

Small Box Specialty Green Coffee: A Big Opportunity for Roasters from Mercon Specialty

Mercon Specialty is excited to announce the launch of our Small Box Program in the next couple of weeks. The Small Box Program prioritizes our clients by making specialty green coffee accessible to roasters of all sizes. With this new product size, roasters can confidently invest in our offerings without the pressure of overcommitting.

All boxes are 20 lbs., range between $145-$200/box, and come sealed in a 2-mil gusseted polybag to line the inside of the box. Securing your beloved green coffee until it arrives. Plus, FREE shipping on all boxes, all the time.

Our clients can always rely on our unwavering support, and we take great pride in being a dependable resource for them. In keeping with this commitment, we are excited to introduce the expansion in sizes of our specialty green coffee, accessible to businesses of all sizes.

The Small Box Program is Perfect For:

Exploring new coffees:

If you want to explore the newest micro lots or exciting and unique coffee blends, here is an excellent chance to acquire a small box version without the pressure of purchasing an entire bag. This approach allows your roastery to diversify your coffee collection while being cautious about your existing inventory.

Adding to a blend:

Exploring and experimenting with creating unique blends is something we thoroughly enjoy, and we believe you share this passion as well. It's an economical approach to try different combinations, allowing you to procure small boxes at a fraction of the cost, even as you engage in experimentation.

Creating an Exclusive Single-Origin:

Our company takes pride in providing clients with exclusive micro lots in limited quantity bags. These exceptional coffees are offered in 20 lbs, which allows you to create a highly sought-after single-origin coffee that can be offered for a limited time.

Needing only 20 lbs:

Our objective is to enhance the accessibility of our services to our clientele. We firmly believe that regardless of the size of your roasting company, everyone deserves to have the luxury of indulging in their preferred coffee without worrying about expenses or excess inventory.

Our Small Box Coffee Offerings:

As we launch, we are excited to introduce the first ten varieties of coffee to our customers. As demand grows, we will continue to expand our selection. Our offerings include the unique and exquisite Mercon Specialty exclusive Signature Flower Series and five exceptional micro-lots complementing any roaster profile.

Small Box Specialty Green Coffee: A Big Opportunity for Roasters from Mercon Specialty

Guatemala Ave De Paraiso

Flavor notes: Balanced dark chocolate, floral, apple and citrus acidity, juicy body

Brazil Ipe Amarelo

Flavor notes: Brown sugar, cocoa, peanut butter, honey, slight red currant, heavy body

Colombia Cattleya

Flavor notes: Brown sugar, cocoa, peanut butter, honey, slight red currant, heavy body

Nicaragua Plumeria

Flavor notes: Classic Nicaragua, clean acidity, heavy body, chocolate, nutty, light citrus

Vietnam Lotus Da Lat

Flavor notes: Clean medium acidity, peach and green apple, good body, milk chocolate

Colombia Decaf Excelso EA Process

Flavor notes: Bright and complex acidity, jasmine florals, tropical fruit, and a clean, sweet finish

Ethiopia Sidamo Gr1 Washed Chirri

Flavor notes: Bright and crisp, mint, peach, apple, lemon, floral, medium body, lingering minty lemon

Matagalpa Red Cherry Project Esmeralda Community Yellow Catuai ML LIFT

Flavor notes: Ripe tropical fruit, green grape, white wine, brown sugar, juicy coating body

Honduras Marcala Red Honey

Flavor notes: Juicy and sweet, complex, floral and ripe fruit, raspberry, strawberry

Guatemala Huehuetenango Aldea Q’om Women’s Group LIFT

Flavor notes: Tropical fruit, hibiscus, lemony and clean, tart

With a longstanding love for coffee, Mercon Specialty is proud to present an innovative solution for coffee roasters of all scales. Our Small Box Program represents a new paradigm in the industry, making it easier and more flexible for you to access the high-quality coffee you need to take your business to the next level.